Mark Unrau
Photography - Film - Sound

Heart Resonance Concert
Sound Production | PostHeart Resonance Concert
Sound Production | Post
In addition to pieces written by Eily Aurora and performed by the band, this concert offers several pieces incorporating plant music. We’ll be able to hear plants singing! Using innovative technology that translates plant frequencies into an audible range, you’ll be able to hear the mysterious world of plants accompanied by Eily Aurora on the harp.
This will be an evening offering a range of experiences. From the Meditative Journey at the start of the concert to Eily’s improvisational piece with a living plant to an opportunity to receive the gifts of sound in a direct way, you’ll be guided on a participatory exploration in opening the heart. Select tickets are gifted for those who could especially benefit from the healing properties of sound.
Location: Lantern Church, Calgary
Recording Engineer: Mark Unrau
Mixing Engineer: Mark Unrau